Category: Finance

Should You Be Refinancing Your Rental Property?

As with any investment, it is important to constantly be aware of any changes in the market or economic climate. The current market has changed dramatically with drastically reduced interest rates. If you are currently paying off your rental property you can potentially save thousands of dollars on interest by refinancing. Lower Interest Rates The…

How Does Refinancing Work?

Refinancing is the process of replacing your current mortgage for a new mortgage in order to finance your home. This could be for a number of reasons such as a change in financial position, personal circumstances or getting a better deal on your home loan (lower interest, fees, repayments). However, there are costs to refinancing…

How a Broker Can Help You Secure Extra Cash

If you are in need of an extra bit of cash and don’t have the savings lying around to produce it a broker can assist you with small, fast loans such as personal loans, vehicle loans and renovation loans. These loans will give you that extra bit of cash you need to afford that holiday…